2011년 1월 14일 금요일

What should society do for “uncivilized cultures” like the Sawi?

We, as students studying studying abroad in a foreign land all had to undertake a stressful job of getting used to the not so familiar culture. Just like we have done so, Don Richardson had the similiar experience.

The only difference between our experience and Don Richardson's is that Sawi's culture is considered 'uncivilized' to many people. Should we hate and discriminate the Sawi's culture for being different? Isnt for example, Canadian culture different from the Korean culture? Maybe the reason behind calling the Sawi civilization so 'foreign and different' may be because the concept of cannibalism is so sinful in a religious view.

I think that instead of removing the Sawi culture, we should try to change it. We should try to remove sinful things such as cannibalism, and should promote the Sawi people to adapt to the modern culture. Isnt the modern culture a mixture of all different cultures anyway?

In conclusion, we should struggle to change the Sawi culture in a way that it is appealing to the outer world, but to also keep their originality and identity. I think that we should help the Sawi people get closer to God and help them enjoy the goodness of life.

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