2011년 1월 10일 월요일

What factors of your native culture have informed your religious world view?

What factors of your native culture have informed your religious world view?

All throughout my life, I have been affected by different cultures here and there. Buddhism from my strict and aged Grandparents, Christianity from my determined and faithful aunt, Catholicism from my dear, and loving mother. Each and every one of the religions named above enticed me with mystic feelings that made me feel enlightened, but I couldnt pick out a specific religion that I would go with. I worked around with each and all of them, but I think the myriad of religions all represent the same purpose. To love, and to serve.

My native culture, I was born and raised in a somewhat secular and athiest family. We scarcely or never went to churches and we never gave prayers. Even though this was the case, I had a feeling of quirkiness, a feeling that someone, something was trying to speak to me. I did not know who it was before, nor I do not know who 'it' is now, I think that 'it' is God, and God is trying to help me wake up from the real world. While my views on that religions such as Catholicism, Buddhism, Catholicism all derive from the same source conflicts with many views from strict Christians, I think that the general idea of loving and caring for each other does not differ.

Lastly, who am I? I am a mixup of both good and bad

When I went to a private Elementary school in Korea, I was a typical teacher's nightmare, I used to make trouble, fight and fidget during classtime. By the time I was in 3rd grade, I was suggested that I take a 'mental test' I know, you all must think I got OCD and ADHD

While this came out to be true, I was blessed with a rather surprising gift, a rather suspiciously high IQ number; and IQ of 160.

I do not know how I got this result, I think that the universal rule of 'no man is perfect' applies to myself.
Even though I am gifted with intelligence, I cannot quite utilize it.

So who am I?
A mixup of both goodness and badness =/

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  1. Ok great found this post! Kevin see me about how much one should post on line.

    I think you are right - God is calling to you. He has a significant purpose for your life. Be ready for Him to speak to you through teachers and other Christians, I believe that God has a wonderful plan for your life. Read Jeremiah 33 v 11... For I know the plans...
