2011년 1월 15일 토요일

I posted replies on..

's blogs

What reflections and connections can you make with this novel?

When I read the book, I frequently found myself stopping at parts saying "What the..."
The idea about cannibalism, bloodthirst, treachery made me disgusted that it often made me left astonished time to time. Their way of lifestyle was not immoral, it was amoral. When I was asked to answer this question, I found myself relating the Sawi people as the exact opposite of the image of God. They did not have love for others, they did not sacrifice themselves for a greater cause, and most of all, they fed on humans.

Reading the book made me connect myself to the Sawi people. Before meeting God, I acted violently and immorally. I remember going to church at 3rd grade and looking at a figurine of Jesus. The feelings I felt under the cross was so great to me that the image of the cross came up everytime I wanted to act badly. I related to my experiences of accepting God to the Sawi's

How did Christianity change this culture?

Before reading the book, I was skeptic of the whole idea of one man changing the lives of hundres of Sawi men. But after reading the book, I was amazed, shocked, bamboozled even. The idea of one man changing a whole culture left me realizing that God's power is awesome, ubiquitous. God's love hit the Sawi people so hard that their WHOLE LIFE transformed. Headhunting, Cannibalism, War, Cannibalism, all these devilish concepts all disappeared and time of love came to the Sawi tenants.

I think that God's miracles work in great ways. Before God helped the Sawi, they were uncivilized, savage, evil. But after accepting christ, their life has completely changed. God watches over us, and when we pray deeply for him, he brings miracles. We might not recieve God's miracles all the time, but all we need to do is to wait for him to come to you. As we all have seen in the book, changing a whole culture is not a easy thing to do. Their evil tradition of cannibalism, treachery is gone and only the good has come.

I think that the change Christianity has brought is etereal logically, it is impossible that a man changed a whole culture at his will. But when God aided him to do so, he was able to bring great changes to their culture

All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.
-Edmund Burke

How do I relate to faith? How did Don Richardson relate to Faith? How do the Sawi relate to faith?

How do I, Don Richardson, the Sawi relate to faith?


When I am upset, angered, I sometimes want to act violently. When this happens, I always calm myself down thinking of God. God loves us, and as a christian believer, I should also do so. Don Richardson has made a important decision to serve the Sawi people, to sacrifice his comfortable home, life, luxuries just to serve the Sawi people. Why? Because he had LOVE. His love and his fervor to teach the Sawi the way of God made such an impact to the Sawi that their whole lifestyle has changed. As for the Sawi, the concept of faith is alien to them because the concept of faith has such a difference to treachery. But after they took in God, peace came along, and fights ceased to happen. The Sawi could relate to faith more easily because their tradition of peace child is similar to Jesus. God gave his only son to us, Sawi gave their children away for peace.

I think that we relate to faith as love, as God's love.

“Faith isn't faith until it's all you're holding on to”

What should we do when we are confronted with other cultures?

"No culture can live, if it attempts to be exclusive."  -Ghandi

“Those who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing of their own.” -Goethe

Culture is the sole common factor we share within the world. Every group, nomadic or civilized, share a specific kind of a culture. Even though an enormous difference between cultures have divided us into different groups, we have learnt to set aside the differences and unite as one.
When we are confronted with other cultures, we shoud do as others have done so long time ago. We should set aside our difference even when it contradicts to your belief and try to unify your culture to their's. Some factors such as language, customs, traditions might look faulty and awful, but we should respect one's culture since we are all brothers and sisters of one another.

After all,
Genesis 1:27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

aren't we all from the same God?

What does Jesus want us to do for the Sawi?

What does Jesus want us to do for the Sawi people?
When I attended sunday bible classes as a young kid, I was frequently met up with this question
"What do you think Jesus have done"
The general plethora of answers that were thrown back to our teacher were "Pray fo them, Work for them, Love for them." Although these answers are all acceptable, is this what Jesus really wants us to do for the Sawi people? Is this the best we can do as christian believers?

The answer is...

The change Don Richardson has brough to the Sawi people could not have been accomplished if he did not sacrifice his whole life to helping the Sawi. He relinquished his comfortable life, family, home so he could help the Sawi people.

American philosopher William James has said,
The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.

Jesus wants us to sacrifice ourselves so that the Sawi will know the way of God, so that the Sawi can learn about the true values of life. The changes that will come from sacrificing would perservere even after you have perished for it is eternal.

Simply put, What does Jesus want us to do for the Sawi?

Sacrifice ourselves, give up our luxuries for the outcomes will be eternal.

2011년 1월 14일 금요일

What concepts in the Sawi culture intrigued / reviled / saddened / angered / surprised you?

I found the concept of the peace child very surprising. When I first read the book, the idea of cannibalism was such a shock to me that I felt like the peace child would have no effect at all. But as the story advanced, I realized that people actually changed with the peace child. By the giving the child up, people actually ceased quarreling and peace came to the people. Even when a fight was about to rise up because of the pig, by the mention of the peace child, the fight ended quickly. I was shocked that such a system was implemented in such a brute and savage culture. I think that the peace child acted as our saviour, Jesus and brought peace to the people there.